View Profile Supman914
I was born to create what goes on inside of my head, I will be a professional animator, and if I don't, then I failed to follow the destiny set ahead of me

Jake @Supman914


Joined on 5/4/08

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Supman914's News

Posted by Supman914 - April 1st, 2009

suck my urethra no jk

Posted by Supman914 - April 1st, 2009

Ok so newgrounds used to be a really badass site that is until today i mean what the fuck just happened.
Now newgrounds has taken away almost anything past 13+ and I cant watch madness videos anymore and its all just because these chinise fucks come on over here and like make everything suitible for everybody. Now Im not a racist but come on this is fucked up mother fucker. Now why is china replacing my words with something else?

Posted by Supman914 - March 25th, 2009

Short and choppy"
by: Supman914
date: 1 hour ago
This is pretty lame and boring with absolutly no plot which leaves the madness animation boring and also has you saying well Oniation 2 isnt gonna have anything going on. What was the fps was it like 12? try putting it on 30 or so and dont just spam 10 seconds of your animaton dude.

7 minutes ago
Author's Response:
Yeah well DUDE, that comment must mean you don't have imagination.

Posted by Supman914 - March 23rd, 2009

Alright so anyways I wont be working on flash for awhile because I simply cant get the program back on my laptop cuz i had a trial. Ive tried everything and not only that but Ive been sick twice this year.

I hope i can get some entertainment out in 2009 something thats frekin badass man. Well anyways I know my flash arent the best here but I have improved and Im better at using layers and I also checked out some madness tutorials on youtube and I know how to do the walking cycle. I hope ill be better tomorrow so I can go to school without having a shitload of tests to make up. If you actually read this thank you man Im pretty sure ill get flash back sometime

Posted by Supman914 - January 30th, 2009

Well anyways sorry about that post I just wanted to know whats up.

By the way Pure Insane has been cancelled for 2009 I doubt ill be good enough this year

Posted by Supman914 - January 17th, 2009

Ok well

Stick Riot 3 like i dunno 2 or 3% I havent got a connection on my flash laptop right now so ill have to wait until I get connected to the internet which ill probaly do that this upcoming monday I got all the library items drew and finished. The guns look alot better man. This one will be 3 minutes long

Pure insane (My series I will start after finishing stick riot 3) 0%. This series I will look up some tutorials before I start it because i will take these very serious. I mean im aiming for 4.30 or more man this will be sorta like madness exept with different drawing style. The characters in these series will not have crosses on their face.

Madness da killer (MD09) flash. 0%. This will come out on madness day 09 and i havent really been thinking about this flash that much I think alot more about Pure insane and Stick riot 3 but ill get to work on this some time.

Stick riot 4 0% I dont know if ill make this but mabye but I think Stick Riot 4 will not be made it depends if I have enough time.

Violent Christmas (Winter 2009) This is a remake of that other flash of which i didnt finish

Posted by Supman914 - January 12th, 2009

In 2009 expect Stick riot 3 Mabye Stick riot 4 I have leanred alot since riot 2 i now know how to draw guns by using the line tool so now you won,t see some sort of square for a gun you will see a realistic looking gun and also realistic gernade explosions not crappy ones

I will make a flash for madness day 2009 havent started it yet though.

I will make a series of my own which is similiar to madness but isnt madness.

By christmas I will make a remake of that unfinished flash I made which is going to be finished.

And mabye some other stuff along the way I hope to participate in a collab this year and I hope that Atleast I have 4 Submissions this year that have a score of 4.00+

Posted by Supman914 - December 27th, 2008

Well how was your christmas because mine was great but enough about that

during a little of my spare time I took about 1 or mabye 2 hours to make this little action flash

Tell me if i should finish it
Update 1/1/09 here is another pic i guess u could say of stick riot 2

Merry freking christmas people

Posted by Supman914 - December 21st, 2008

New flash in the works and guess what its a riot and it has sticks and a 2

Sticks+ riot+2= stick riot 2

Its working really good i learned some new stuff about animating so im betting ill get 3.63 or better

Ok i need some freking help on how 2 take a pic ok im not that good at that so please help on that i dont have a camera

Ok well this is going to be my flash main picture it really isnt the flash but well what else can i do

Sup people

Posted by Supman914 - December 18th, 2008

Ok so i was been listining to some slipknot and i had this idea just pop into my head. I could make bloody action packed music videos of slipknot like Lets say people=shit a stick man going on a big ass killing spree man or snap you know man

If i ever do this i wont make it unfinished like my last flash man and ill probaly wait until i get a laptop which i hope to get 4 christmas but i doupt it considering there like $500 to $600 dollers well anyway what do u think people