Ok well
Stick Riot 3 like i dunno 2 or 3% I havent got a connection on my flash laptop right now so ill have to wait until I get connected to the internet which ill probaly do that this upcoming monday I got all the library items drew and finished. The guns look alot better man. This one will be 3 minutes long
Pure insane (My series I will start after finishing stick riot 3) 0%. This series I will look up some tutorials before I start it because i will take these very serious. I mean im aiming for 4.30 or more man this will be sorta like madness exept with different drawing style. The characters in these series will not have crosses on their face.
Madness da killer (MD09) flash. 0%. This will come out on madness day 09 and i havent really been thinking about this flash that much I think alot more about Pure insane and Stick riot 3 but ill get to work on this some time.
Stick riot 4 0% I dont know if ill make this but mabye but I think Stick Riot 4 will not be made it depends if I have enough time.
Violent Christmas (Winter 2009) This is a remake of that other flash of which i didnt finish