View Profile Supman914
I was born to create what goes on inside of my head, I will be a professional animator, and if I don't, then I failed to follow the destiny set ahead of me

Jake @Supman914


Joined on 5/4/08

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Do you have hard feelings?

Cardio is for faggots. Real men do weight training, you pansy-ass.

I never said I did cardio. You fail hard troll. I am sorry about how hard you fail troll. Also you offer street fighter spirits right? WHAT KIND OF FUCKING MAN ANIMATES FUCKING STREET FIGHTER HUH? Move over trolling cunt I was talking about animation not exercise

Also Im a body builder and im gonna come to your house and fuck you up boy.

I have out manuverd you in troll tactics and put you in your place. Now feel free to shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself

LOL U MAD! Holy fuck, your retort was pathetic. As far as anyone else is concerned, sprites are at least a higher quality of art than pissy little stick figures like yours. If you even try to animate stick figures, chances are you don't get enough sunlight, let alone exercise. Your insipid online threat about you being a bodybuilder already confirmed it. Take a seat, bitch. Fail White Knight is fail.

What the fuck is lol u mad mean? Fuck off you unamerican cunt and learn english. Stop being a misspelling jackass, and the body builder thing was a joke. I dont even use flash hardly and I know more animation then stick figures. Shut the fuck up now because I will become more then you could imagine being.
You really should learn english troll because its hard to insult someone if they dont
understand what your saying.
I mean seriosly "LOL U MAD! Holy fuck, your retort was pathetic"

If you don't know what retort means, then you should be looking it up and actually learning things, not throwing your stupidity to others on Newgrounds. You say you know more than stick figure animations, yet every single flash you made is about stick figures. Way to back up my accusations, dumbass. In short: Have something to do with the real world, learn how to animate beyond the skill of a 4th grader, and actually look up any words you don't know. You can cry now.

Bahh you just ruined my life im just gonna jack off a pile of semen and drown. Just kidding. I was simply saying lol u mad sounds completly stupid. Look at my last flash date. I made that around 5 to 7 months ago. I will actually admit I suck ass at animation, but animation isnt life jackass, it a hobby. Go cry to your friends about my horrible animation skill but I go on the forms and try to get better. Im trying and if you have a problem with my animation, well I guess theres nothing you can do about it. So right now ill just spit in your face about that. As far as having something to do with the real world, I do.
I have friends, homework, and all that other crap, Just because im a shitty animater dosen't automatically make me some douche bag hiding in the basement. You see people like you are all the same, which is funny. You either spit out a bunch of bullshit in hope to piss someone off, (im actually laughing at you) or you automatically think there some hopeless douche bag waste of life due to your 3rd grade maturity level. Spammers like you piss of idiots, not me.

I hope you now know your actually wasting these minutes of your life trying to start an arguement with me, because remember, Im laughing at you and so will everyone who views your comments. Instead of trying to waste your time talking to me make a flash that says fuck you all or something. That will piss someone off guarenteed. Also if thats you stop trying to hack me, it will do no use for I have protection

If it's "just a hobby" and you suck at it, then why are you even bothering to upload it? To show off how crappy you are at Flash, and with stick figures no less? Despite you infecting other forms of animation and "trying to get better", you have nothing to show for it. Great job. You say you have a life and friends, but like your interference with other forms of animation, you once again have nothing to show for it. Get your head out of your ass and quit lying to yourself. You say that you are laughing at me, but on the same token, you're gyrating over a common Internet catchphrase that you're too stupid to pick up on. You showing of your spite has already proved and confirmed your anger and stupidity, and it's a clear indication that I'm pissing off idiots like you.

I hope you realize that there's no point in trying to argue about your piss-poor excuse for a life; you're only making this worse for yourself. We both know you're just throwing a fit at your computer screen, so there's no further purpose in lying to yourself and I. Most people won't get this, but the few one's that do will just laugh at your stupid ass, and only fuel your contempt. In closing, turn off your computer, turn off your monitor, get out of your room, and do something with your life. Fresh air is really nice, you should try it some time.

Your still wasting your life typing this? Go outside faggot, get away from your abusive parents for once or something.
I dont post my shitty flash on newgounds because I want to get better , if thats what you were referring to. How do you know I have nothing to show for it? I postc
my cycles on the forms.

Im done wasting my time on this arguement, no one is learning anything and I doubt its getting anywhere. Insult me if your that bored and hate life that much to take it out on others, but I could care less, I suggest you stop acting like you have a life and get a life. If you truly think I am a sad little boy then why are you even wasting your time on my page? Get your facts straight before you comment on my page because my cock attracts all

Again im just gonna spit in your face about my animation. LOL U MAD

Why not post them on your page for convenience rather than having people look through the forums for your half-assed pieces of crap?

Good to know you've run out of shitty retorts for the wastes of space you call animations. You must really be sick in the head if after this entire argument, you have learned absolutely nothing. The point is plaine and simple: Your animations suck, improve them, and show your improvements. If you can't handle those 3 simple tasks, then you shouldn't even have Flash, let alone a computer. Survival of the fittest, little boy; it seems you are truly useless in this world, and as such you must properly remove yourself from it. Cyanide is quick and easy; it helped others and it'll help you too. Enjoy tweedling your tiny pencil dick, fag.

No this wasnt even supposed to be an arguement, dumbass apparently you got offended because I left a comment on catabluplauses (or whatever his name was) saying that your being pathetic because you were sending all that spam, I simply left my opinion, and for the reord I dont remember asking you how I should animate. The reason I haven't posted anything on my page yet is because I am not a known Negrounder. 75% of my posts dont even get a comment. I understood that my animations sucked the whole time but I will admit I never showed my improvements, and if you want me to do that I will, but
I simply have one queston. Why the fuck would you try to convince me of this when I never asked you? My animation dosen't interest you and probally never will, even if it was top notch. So why? Try not to be an insulting prick because im asking you an honest question here.

I thought you were done arguing? Way to keep your word, fucktard. Besides, you're forgetting that no one cares about your shit opinion anyway. For the record, you should've been done animating stick figures by the time you reached high school. Learn some real animation, man-child. My ass you're not, you reply to my comments every following day. Hell, you should be grateful that I even decided to leave a comment on your page. Good, we're off to a good start. I simply saw your shit and I noticed it needed fixing, so I just let you know that it did. Everyone has potential and skill, and it's time you used yours.

Well I actually was just asking a question on that, not argueing

You're the one who said it was an argument, not me.